Selasa, 20 November 2018


Hasil gambar untuk foto banjir

     Disasters are sudden and dangerous events that seriously disrupt the function of society or society and cause human, material, and economic or environmental losses that exceed the ability of the community or society to overcome the use of their own resources. Although often caused by nature, disasters can come from humans.
    It needs to be underlined that it is human life patterns or activities which greatly affect the surrounding environment including flood conditions experienced by a number of people in Indonesia today. Without realizing it, many small things that we have done have a big impact that ultimately damages the surrounding environment. Waste disposal behavior, for example, if this is done improperly, such as by throwing garbage into the river, of course, will ultimately affect the quality of the river itself.
    On the other hand, the recent flooding will certainly affect environmental health and public health. This is due to floods by causing an unhealthy environment which in turn will potentially cause various health problems. Provision of clean water is often disrupted, as well as people will find it difficult to find facilities for bathing and defecating. In fact, open defecation and small water can facilitate transmission of the disease
     If this happens then the need for a clean lifestyle will be far from perfect. The environmental situation is getting worse, especially in the refugee areas. The large number of people crowded in one room will facilitate the spread of the disease either through airborne transmission or direct contact. In addition, this flood does not only disturb humans, animals are also not threatened. Various animals such as mice, cats and dogs can die because of this disaster. This animal carcass can further cause other health problems.

Nama: Annastasia Rafa Dilla
Kelas: XI.IIS 2

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